Archives! - Open Source Content ManagementRED-SHINE2014-06-20T10:46:14+00:002014-06-20T10:46:14+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, LAFMIA<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar<br />2009 - 2010<br /><br /></p>
<p>The objective of RED-SHINE is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declaratively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services' coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.</p>
<p> </p></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, LAFMIA<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar<br />2009 - 2010<br /><br /></p>
<p>The objective of RED-SHINE is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declaratively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services' coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.</p>
<p> </p></div>CLEVER2012-10-14T11:13:03+00:002012-10-14T11:13:03+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: <br />Partners: LIG, LIFO, UDLAP, LAFMIA, UFRN, DIMAp, INCO, UdelaR<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG</strong><br />Scientific lead: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href=""></a><br />2012-2013</p>
<p>CLEVER CLOUD-BASED LATIN-AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY) aims at providing the underlying services that will enable the VO to personalize and manage mashed up services. The result will be a platform where climate reports coming from different providers in LATAM will be mashed up. Resulting mahsups will be exported as VO tools for eventually building other mashups.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: <br />Partners: LIG, LIFO, UDLAP, LAFMIA, UFRN, DIMAp, INCO, UdelaR<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG</strong><br />Scientific lead: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href=""></a><br />2012-2013</p>
<p>CLEVER CLOUD-BASED LATIN-AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY) aims at providing the underlying services that will enable the VO to personalize and manage mashed up services. The result will be a platform where climate reports coming from different providers in LATAM will be mashed up. Resulting mahsups will be exported as VO tools for eventually building other mashups.</p>
</blockquote></div>Framework and event composition management2010-01-12T09:49:07+00:002010-01-12T09:49:07+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: CRE France Telecom R&D<br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: C. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2005-2007</p><p>The objective is to contribute to the specification and implementation of event managers. Event based systems are particularly well adapted for programming large scale distributed applications because they enable asynchronous and anonymous communication to support interoperation and collaboration among autonomous and heterogeneous components. Events generated by producers such as wireless sensors and RFID readers are not significant enough for consumers. They must be filtered, combined or aggregated to produce more meaningful information. This project proposes an approach for composing events by querying distributed histories according to different strategies. The research is organised in three research lines: (i) definition of an event composition mechanism; (ii) specification of an event composition framework based on the Fractal model and its implementation. The approach was implemented on top of the middleware composite probes. The architecture of a probe was extended with components able to mediate events composition and aggregation </p></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: CRE France Telecom R&D<br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: C. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2005-2007</p><p>The objective is to contribute to the specification and implementation of event managers. Event based systems are particularly well adapted for programming large scale distributed applications because they enable asynchronous and anonymous communication to support interoperation and collaboration among autonomous and heterogeneous components. Events generated by producers such as wireless sensors and RFID readers are not significant enough for consumers. They must be filtered, combined or aggregated to produce more meaningful information. This project proposes an approach for composing events by querying distributed histories according to different strategies. The research is organised in three research lines: (i) definition of an event composition mechanism; (ii) specification of an event composition framework based on the Fractal model and its implementation. The approach was implemented on top of the middleware composite probes. The architecture of a probe was extended with components able to mediate events composition and aggregation </p></div>WEBINTELLIGENCE2010-01-12T09:46:55+00:002010-01-12T09:46:55+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: Regional Cluster 2 "Informatique, Signal, Logiciels embarqués 2006-2009<br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: Olivier Boissier (G2I - EMSE)<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Marie-Christine FAUVET<br />Weblink: <a href="http://aphttp//" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2006-2009</p>
<p>The project aims at organizing research on web intelligence in Rhone-Alpes (suite WebIntelligence (ARC 6 et ARC 7) : Cloud Computing Research Group)<br />Our participation in the regional cluster addresses topics related to cloud computing, particularly big data collections integration and management on multi-cloud environments guided by service level agreements. We work with the LIRIS lab and the Management School of University Lyon 3. Our commun research results are applied to smart energy, intelligent transport and political strategies cases. We actively, organize seminars and collective actions willing to encourage research collaboration synergy among the actors of the region working on cloud computing and big data management.</p>
<p> </p></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: Regional Cluster 2 "Informatique, Signal, Logiciels embarqués 2006-2009<br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: Olivier Boissier (G2I - EMSE)<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Marie-Christine FAUVET<br />Weblink: <a href="http://aphttp//" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2006-2009</p>
<p>The project aims at organizing research on web intelligence in Rhone-Alpes (suite WebIntelligence (ARC 6 et ARC 7) : Cloud Computing Research Group)<br />Our participation in the regional cluster addresses topics related to cloud computing, particularly big data collections integration and management on multi-cloud environments guided by service level agreements. We work with the LIRIS lab and the Management School of University Lyon 3. Our commun research results are applied to smart energy, intelligent transport and political strategies cases. We actively, organize seminars and collective actions willing to encourage research collaboration synergy among the actors of the region working on cloud computing and big data management.</p>
<p> </p></div>WebContent2010-01-12T09:42:40+00:002010-01-12T09:42:40+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: RNTL - The semantic web framework-2006-2009<br />Partners: CEA LIST, EADS DCS, Thales Research & Technology, France Telecom R&D, ADRIA Developpement, Soredab SAS, Exalead, New Phenix, Xyleme, INRIA-GEMO, INRA, INRIA-Mostrare, LIP6, PRISM, INRIA-InSitu, LIG, LIMSI-CNRS, GRIMM, EXMO, PSY-CO<br />Coordinator: CEA<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet and M.-C. Rousset<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2006-2009</p>
<p>The WebContent project is creating a software platform to accommodate the tools necessary to efficiently exploit and extend the future of the Internet: the Semantic Web. The first targeted domain is the watch, a subpart of intelligence dedicated to warn the decider on the occurrence of an event or the evolution of a situation. It joins several Open Source tools to create the core of a Service Oriented Application and it defines the interface of several services that are available through several partners, either freely or through commercial licences. These services then exchange data in a formalized manner.</p>
<p> </p></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: RNTL - The semantic web framework-2006-2009<br />Partners: CEA LIST, EADS DCS, Thales Research & Technology, France Telecom R&D, ADRIA Developpement, Soredab SAS, Exalead, New Phenix, Xyleme, INRIA-GEMO, INRA, INRIA-Mostrare, LIP6, PRISM, INRIA-InSitu, LIG, LIMSI-CNRS, GRIMM, EXMO, PSY-CO<br />Coordinator: CEA<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet and M.-C. Rousset<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2006-2009</p>
<p>The WebContent project is creating a software platform to accommodate the tools necessary to efficiently exploit and extend the future of the Internet: the Semantic Web. The first targeted domain is the watch, a subpart of intelligence dedicated to warn the decider on the occurrence of an event or the evolution of a situation. It joins several Open Source tools to create the core of a Service Oriented Application and it defines the interface of several services that are available through several partners, either freely or through commercial licences. These services then exchange data in a formalized manner.</p>
<p> </p></div>GEDEON2010-01-12T09:33:24+00:002010-01-12T09:33:24+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: ACI Masse de données<br />Partners: LIP2 - Paris France, IBPC - I.B.C.D.P Lyon France, INPG - laboratoire ID Grenoble France<br />Coordinator: LIG-HADAS<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Claudia Roncancio<br />Weblink:<a href="" target="_blank"> </a><a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> 2004-2008 </p> The objective of the project was to merge file management functions and database functions to get an hybrid system. The project developed tools for managing consistency of data and metadata, and replication of data for providing high efficiency in accessing data.</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: ACI Masse de données<br />Partners: LIP2 - Paris France, IBPC - I.B.C.D.P Lyon France, INPG - laboratoire ID Grenoble France<br />Coordinator: LIG-HADAS<br />Scientific lead in LIG: Claudia Roncancio<br />Weblink:<a href="" target="_blank"> </a><a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> 2004-2008 </p> The objective of the project was to merge file management functions and database functions to get an hybrid system. The project developed tools for managing consistency of data and metadata, and replication of data for providing high efficiency in accessing data.</div>DLEFOS2010-01-12T09:31:22+00:002010-01-12T09:31:22+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2005-2007 </p> DLEFOS (LAFMI) : Fault Tolerance in embedded systems</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2005-2007 </p> DLEFOS (LAFMI) : Fault Tolerance in embedded systems</div>PING2010-01-12T09:27:02+00:002010-01-12T09:27:02+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2002-2002 </p>PING (IST) : platform for largely distributed Game Networking</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2002-2002 </p>PING (IST) : platform for largely distributed Game Networking</div>MEDIAGRID2010-01-12T09:22:48+00:002010-01-12T09:22:48+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2002-2005 </p> Mediagrid (ACI Grid) : Large Scale Mediation system.</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a> 2002-2005 </p> Mediagrid (ACI Grid) : Large Scale Mediation system.</div>SPIDHERS2010-01-12T09:20:33+00:002010-01-12T09:20:33+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2004 </p> SPIDHERS (LAFMI) : Spatial Data Integration.</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2004 </p> SPIDHERS (LAFMI) : Spatial Data Integration.</div>DATAGRAAL2010-01-12T09:17:04+00:002010-01-12T09:17:04+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2003<br /> </p> DataGraal (ACI Grid) : Organization about "large scale Data and applications"</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2003<br /> </p> DataGraal (ACI Grid) : Organization about "large scale Data and applications"</div>IMPACT2010-01-12T09:14:33+00:002010-01-12T09:14:33+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2003<br /> </p><p>IMPACT (RNTL) : middleware for technical component plateformes.</p><p> </p></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2002-2003<br /> </p><p>IMPACT (RNTL) : middleware for technical component plateformes.</p><p> </p></div>ADELEM2010-01-12T09:10:49+00:002010-01-12T09:10:49+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2003-2004<br /> </p>ADELEM (ACI Telemedecine) : Assistance to logistical and medical decision.</div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br /> 2003-2004<br /> </p>ADELEM (ACI Telemedecine) : Assistance to logistical and medical decision.</div>CONE2010-01-12T09:07:45+00:002010-01-12T09:07:45+00:00<div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br />2004-2006</p>CONE (CEE, programme Asia Link)<a class="toolbar" href="index.php?option=com_content" onclick="javascript: submitbutton('save')"> </a></div><div class="feed-description"><p>Funding: <br />Partners:<br />Coordinator: <br />Scientific lead in LIG: <br />Weblink:<br />2004-2006</p>CONE (CEE, programme Asia Link)<a class="toolbar" href="index.php?option=com_content" onclick="javascript: submitbutton('save')"> </a></div>DAMOCLES2009-10-28T09:22:54+00:002009-10-28T09:22:54+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: MSTIQ project, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, MESCAL<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead in LIG: A. Termier<br />Weblink:<br />2009-2011</p>
<p>DAMOCLES (DAta Mining for On Chip Low Energy Systems) aims at developping data mining algorithms for analysing memory accesses in System-on-Chip processors, in order to optimise data placement and thus reduce energy consumption.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: MSTIQ project, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, MESCAL<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead in LIG: A. Termier<br />Weblink:<br />2009-2011</p>
<p>DAMOCLES (DAta Mining for On Chip Low Energy Systems) aims at developping data mining algorithms for analysing memory accesses in System-on-Chip processors, in order to optimise data placement and thus reduce energy consumption.</p>
</blockquote></div>RED-SHINE2009-10-28T09:18:28+00:002009-10-28T09:18:28+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, LAFMIA-UMI 3175<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblin: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2009<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of RED-SHINE (RELIABLY AND SEMANTICALLY INTEGRATING WEB INFORMATION BY MASHING UP DATA SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declartively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009<br />Partners: LIG, LAFMIA-UMI 3175<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG<br />Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblin: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2009<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of RED-SHINE (RELIABLY AND SEMANTICALLY INTEGRATING WEB INFORMATION BY MASHING UP DATA SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declartively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.</p>
</blockquote></div>ORCHESTRA2009-10-28T09:15:29+00:002009-10-28T09:15:29+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ECOS-ANUIES 2007-2011<br />Partners: Grenoble INP, Universidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala, Fundacion UNiversidad de las Américas (Puebla, Mexique)<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG and Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (UATX)<br /> Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href=""><br /></a>2007-2011<a href=""><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of ORCHESTRA (ORCHESTRATION TRANSACTIONNELLE DE SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for building transactional, secure and evolutive service-based applications. The key elements of the project are:</p>
<li>the definition of a framework (general solution) of technical services for managing the security, transactional properties and evolution of business services</li>
<li>implementation of the framework an its validation in the development of service-based applications: production chains.</li>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ECOS-ANUIES 2007-2011<br />Partners: Grenoble INP, Universidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala, Fundacion UNiversidad de las Américas (Puebla, Mexique)<br />Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG and Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (UATX)<br /> Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href=""><br /></a>2007-2011<a href=""><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of ORCHESTRA (ORCHESTRATION TRANSACTIONNELLE DE SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for building transactional, secure and evolutive service-based applications. The key elements of the project are:</p>
<li>the definition of a framework (general solution) of technical services for managing the security, transactional properties and evolution of business services</li>
<li>implementation of the framework an its validation in the development of service-based applications: production chains.</li>
</blockquote></div>E-CLOUDS2009-10-28T09:10:19+00:002009-10-28T09:10:19+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: Microsoft, 2007-2011, LACCIR<br />Partners: CNRS - LAFMIA France, Mexique - Fundacion Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Uruguay - Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, Rio Grande - Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Brésil<br />Coordinator: J.L. Zechinelli Martini, LAFMIA<br /> Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2007-2011<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of E-CLOUDSS (BUILDING E-GOVERNEMENT CLOUDS USING DISTRIBUTED SEMANTIC SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up reliable semantic services for building e-government clouds. Mashups represent a new wave for building Web applications. E-CLOUDSS addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. Effective ways to perform virtual executions is one of the main subjects of study of E-CLOUDSS.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: Microsoft, 2007-2011, LACCIR<br />Partners: CNRS - LAFMIA France, Mexique - Fundacion Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Uruguay - Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, Rio Grande - Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Brésil<br />Coordinator: J.L. Zechinelli Martini, LAFMIA<br /> Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2007-2011<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>The objective of E-CLOUDSS (BUILDING E-GOVERNEMENT CLOUDS USING DISTRIBUTED SEMANTIC SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up reliable semantic services for building e-government clouds. Mashups represent a new wave for building Web applications. E-CLOUDSS addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. Effective ways to perform virtual executions is one of the main subjects of study of E-CLOUDSS.</p>
</blockquote></div>UBIQUEST 2009-10-28T09:07:43+00:002009-10-28T09:07:43+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme BLANC 2009-2012<br />Partners: LIG, CITI, LIAMA<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG - Grenoble INP</strong><br />Scientific lead: Ch. Bobineau and Ch. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href=""></a><br />2009-2013</p>
<p>UBIQUEST(Ubiquitous Quest: declarative approach for integrated network and data management in wireless multi-hop networks) aims at integrating network and data management in dynamic ad-hoc networks. this integration will be done by giving a distributed database view of the whole network. Each node stores network and application data in a local database. Messages between nodes are queries or answers. The objective of this integration is the rapid development and deployment of applications and network protocols.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme BLANC 2009-2012<br />Partners: LIG, CITI, LIAMA<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG - Grenoble INP</strong><br />Scientific lead: Ch. Bobineau and Ch. Collet<br />Weblink: <a href=""></a><br />2009-2013</p>
<p>UBIQUEST(Ubiquitous Quest: declarative approach for integrated network and data management in wireless multi-hop networks) aims at integrating network and data management in dynamic ad-hoc networks. this integration will be done by giving a distributed database view of the whole network. Each node stores network and application data in a local database. Messages between nodes are queries or answers. The objective of this integration is the rapid development and deployment of applications and network protocols.</p>
</blockquote></div>CONTINUUM 2009-10-28T09:03:55+00:002009-10-28T09:03:55+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme Réseaux du futur et services 2008-2011<br />Partners: I3S, LIG, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMEN, LYONNAISE DES EAUX, GEMALTO, LUDOTIC, MOBILEGOV<br />Coordinator: University of Nice<br />Scientific lead in LIG: F. Jouanot<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>CONTINUUM (CONTINUITE DE SERVICE EN INFORMATIQUE UBIQUITAIRE ET MOBILE) addresses the problem of service continuity within the long-term vision of ambient intelligence. A core problem is to achieve software adaptation to a variety of resources in dynamic and heterogeneous environments with an appropriate balance between system autonomy and human control. Three key scientific issues will be addressed: context management and awareness, semantic heterogeneity, and human control versus system autonomy. The professions related to water management is used as a business application domain.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme Réseaux du futur et services 2008-2011<br />Partners: I3S, LIG, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMEN, LYONNAISE DES EAUX, GEMALTO, LUDOTIC, MOBILEGOV<br />Coordinator: University of Nice<br />Scientific lead in LIG: F. Jouanot<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>CONTINUUM (CONTINUITE DE SERVICE EN INFORMATIQUE UBIQUITAIRE ET MOBILE) addresses the problem of service continuity within the long-term vision of ambient intelligence. A core problem is to achieve software adaptation to a variety of resources in dynamic and heterogeneous environments with an appropriate balance between system autonomy and human control. Three key scientific issues will be addressed: context management and awareness, semantic heterogeneity, and human control versus system autonomy. The professions related to water management is used as a business application domain.</p>
</blockquote></div>DATARING 2009-10-28T08:55:58+00:002009-10-28T08:55:58+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme Réseaux du futur et services 2008-2011<br />Partners: INRIA - Nantes France, INRIA Saclay - Orsay France, LIRMM - Montpellier France<br />Coordinator: INRIA Nantes<br />Scientific lead in LIG: M.-C. Rousset<br />Weblink:<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
The DataRing project addresses the problem of P2P data sharing for online communities, by offering a high-level network ring across distributed data source owners. Users may be in high numbers and interested in different kinds of collaboration and sharing their knowledge, ideas, experiences, etc. Data sources can be in high numbers, fairly autonomous, i.e. locally owned and controlled, and highly heterogeneous with different semantics and structures. What we need then is new, decentralized data management techniques that scale up while addressing the autonomy, dynamic behavior and heterogeneity of both users and data sources.</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, Programme Réseaux du futur et services 2008-2011<br />Partners: INRIA - Nantes France, INRIA Saclay - Orsay France, LIRMM - Montpellier France<br />Coordinator: INRIA Nantes<br />Scientific lead in LIG: M.-C. Rousset<br />Weblink:<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
The DataRing project addresses the problem of P2P data sharing for online communities, by offering a high-level network ring across distributed data source owners. Users may be in high numbers and interested in different kinds of collaboration and sharing their knowledge, ideas, experiences, etc. Data sources can be in high numbers, fairly autonomous, i.e. locally owned and controlled, and highly heterogeneous with different semantics and structures. What we need then is new, decentralized data management techniques that scale up while addressing the autonomy, dynamic behavior and heterogeneity of both users and data sources.</blockquote></div>OPTIMACS 2009-10-28T08:47:28+00:002009-10-28T08:47:28+00:00<div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, program ARPEGE 2008-2011<br />Partners: LIG, LAMIH, LIRIS<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG - Grenoble INP</strong><br />Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>OPTIMACS (SERVICE COMPOSITION BASED FRAMEWORK FOR OPTIMIZING QUERIES) combines hybrid query processing and services composition, addressing services composition and query processing including adaptive hybrid query optimization according to QoS criteria. OPTIMACS is an original research project that will lead to results with an important expected impact on “modern data and services intensive systems” deployed on networks of heterogeneous devices, the so called ecosystem or dataspaces.</p>
</blockquote></div><div class="feed-description"><blockquote>
<p>Funding: ANR, program ARPEGE 2008-2011<br />Partners: LIG, LAMIH, LIRIS<br /><strong>Coordinator: LIG - Grenoble INP</strong><br />Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar<br />Weblink: <a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a>2008-2012<a href="" target="_blank"><br /></a></p>
<p>OPTIMACS (SERVICE COMPOSITION BASED FRAMEWORK FOR OPTIMIZING QUERIES) combines hybrid query processing and services composition, addressing services composition and query processing including adaptive hybrid query optimization according to QoS criteria. OPTIMACS is an original research project that will lead to results with an important expected impact on “modern data and services intensive systems” deployed on networks of heterogeneous devices, the so called ecosystem or dataspaces.</p>