HADAS a team from Grenoble Informatics Laboratory


Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009
Partners: LIG, LAFMIA
Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG
Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar
2009 - 2010

The objective of RED-SHINE is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declaratively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services' coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.



Coordinator: LIG
Scientific lead: G. Vargas-Solar
Weblink: http://applis-liglab.imag.fr/applis-hadas/Projects/Ubiquest/

CLEVER CLOUD-BASED LATIN-AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY) aims at providing the underlying services that will enable the VO to personalize and manage mashed up services. The result will be a platform where climate reports coming from different providers in LATAM will be mashed up. Resulting mahsups will be exported as VO tools for eventually building other mashups.

Framework and event composition management

Funding: CRE France Telecom R&D
Scientific lead in LIG: C. Collet

The objective is to contribute to the specification and implementation of event managers. Event based systems are particularly well adapted for programming large scale distributed applications because they enable asynchronous and anonymous communication to support interoperation and collaboration among autonomous and heterogeneous components. Events generated by producers such as wireless sensors and RFID readers are not significant enough for consumers. They must be filtered, combined or aggregated to produce more meaningful information. This project proposes an approach for composing events by querying distributed histories according to different strategies. The research is organised in three research lines: (i) definition of an event composition mechanism; (ii) specification of an event composition framework based on the Fractal model and its implementation. The approach was implemented on top of the middleware composite probes. The architecture of a probe was extended with components able to mediate events composition and aggregation


Funding: Regional Cluster 2 "Informatique, Signal, Logiciels embarqués 2006-2009
Coordinator: Olivier Boissier (G2I - EMSE)
Scientific lead in LIG: Marie-Christine FAUVET
Weblink: http://www.web-intelligence-rhone-alpes.org/

The project aims at organizing research on web intelligence in Rhone-Alpes (suite WebIntelligence (ARC 6 et ARC 7) : Cloud Computing Research Group)
Our participation in the regional cluster addresses topics related to cloud computing, particularly big data collections integration and management on multi-cloud environments guided by service level agreements. We work with the LIRIS lab and the Management School of University Lyon 3. Our commun research results are applied to smart energy, intelligent transport and political strategies cases. We actively, organize seminars and collective actions willing to encourage  research collaboration synergy among the actors of the region working on cloud computing and big data management.



Funding: RNTL - The semantic web framework-2006-2009
Partners: CEA LIST, EADS DCS, Thales Research  & Technology, France Telecom R&D, ADRIA Developpement, Soredab SAS, Exalead, New Phenix, Xyleme, INRIA-GEMO, INRA, INRIA-Mostrare, LIP6, PRISM, INRIA-InSitu, LIG, LIMSI-CNRS, GRIMM, EXMO, PSY-CO
Coordinator: CEA
Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet and M.-C. Rousset
Weblink: http://www.webcontent-project.org/

The WebContent project is creating a software platform to accommodate the tools necessary to efficiently exploit and extend the future of the Internet: the Semantic Web. The first targeted domain is the watch, a subpart of intelligence dedicated to warn the decider on the occurrence of an event or the evolution of a situation. It joins several Open Source tools to create the core of a Service Oriented Application and it defines the interface of several services that are available through several partners, either freely or through commercial licences. These services then exchange data in a formalized manner.


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