HADAS a team from Grenoble Informatics Laboratory


Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009
Partners: LIG, LAFMIA
Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG
Scientific lead : G. Vargas-Solar
2009 - 2010

The objective of RED-SHINE is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declaratively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services' coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.