Funding: Microsoft, 2007-2011, LACCIR
Partners: CNRS - LAFMIA France, Mexique - Fundacion Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Uruguay - Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, Rio Grande - Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Brésil
Coordinator: J.L. Zechinelli Martini, LAFMIA
Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar
Weblink: http://e-cloudss.imag.fr
2007-2011The objective of E-CLOUDSS (BUILDING E-GOVERNEMENT CLOUDS USING DISTRIBUTED SEMANTIC SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up reliable semantic services for building e-government clouds. Mashups represent a new wave for building Web applications. E-CLOUDSS addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. Effective ways to perform virtual executions is one of the main subjects of study of E-CLOUDSS.