Funding: ECOS-ANUIES 2007-2011
Partners: Grenoble INP, Universidad Autonoma de Tlaxcala, Fundacion UNiversidad de las Américas (Puebla, Mexique)
Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG and Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (UATX)
Scientific lead in LIG: Ch. Collet
Weblink: http://orchestra.imag.fr
2007-2011The objective of ORCHESTRA (ORCHESTRATION TRANSACTIONNELLE DE SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for building transactional, secure and evolutive service-based applications. The key elements of the project are:
- the definition of a framework (general solution) of technical services for managing the security, transactional properties and evolution of business services
- implementation of the framework an its validation in the development of service-based applications: production chains.