Funding: BQR Grenoble INP, 2009
Partners: LIG, LAFMIA-UMI 3175
Coordinator: Grenoble INP-LIG
Scientific lead in LIG: G. Vargas-Solar
2009The objective of RED-SHINE (RELIABLY AND SEMANTICALLY INTEGRATING WEB INFORMATION BY MASHING UP DATA SERVICES) is to propose an infrastructure for mashing up services using semantics and thereby integrating information from the Web. RED-SHINE will redefine and extend OQLiST for declartively defining reliable semantic mashups. RED-SHINE addresses the management (definition and enforcing at execution time) of non functional properties (NF-P) associated to services’ coordination for building reliable mashups. The objective of our work will be to propose a language for orthogonally expressing NF-P and ensuring strategies, and to specify execution strategies for adding NF-P to mashups.