HADAS a team from Grenoble Informatics Laboratory


Funding: Regional Cluster 2 "Informatique, Signal, Logiciels embarqués 2006-2009
Coordinator: Olivier Boissier (G2I - EMSE)
Scientific lead in LIG: Marie-Christine FAUVET
Weblink: http://www.web-intelligence-rhone-alpes.org/

The project aims at organizing research on web intelligence in Rhone-Alpes (suite WebIntelligence (ARC 6 et ARC 7) : Cloud Computing Research Group)
Our participation in the regional cluster addresses topics related to cloud computing, particularly big data collections integration and management on multi-cloud environments guided by service level agreements. We work with the LIRIS lab and the Management School of University Lyon 3. Our commun research results are applied to smart energy, intelligent transport and political strategies cases. We actively, organize seminars and collective actions willing to encourage  research collaboration synergy among the actors of the region working on cloud computing and big data management.