Providing reliability to services coordination
Alberto Portilla-Flores
under the direction of Genoveva Vargas-Solar and Christine Collet
funding: Mexican Grant (Jan 06 - Jan 2010)
This work addresses reliability of services coordination expressed as non-functional properties (e.g., performance, security, atomicity, persistency, etc) that must be ensured and enforced at execution time. Existing systems, models and languages provide ad-hoc solutions that weave the application logic, expressed as a services coordination, with non-functional properties, leading to applications difficult to evolve and maintain. In contrast, our approach promotes separation of concerns such that reliability can be personalized for a given services coordination where some services can run under persistent connection conditions and others participate in atomic executions. Therefore, we propose a contract model for associating non-functional properties to a services coordination and associated contract evaluation strategies for verifying and enforcing them at runtime. The ROSE reliable services coordination execution engine implements the approach allowing to add exception handling, atomicity, persistency, security, and adaptability properties to a given services coordination.