Reliable Coordination of Data Management Services
under the direction of Christine Collet and Genoveva Vargas-Solar
Funding: Mexican Grant (Feb 09 - Nov 13)
The emergence of ubiquitous computing introduces wireless and portable technologies that democratize access to information and services and thereby opens new research challenges for middleware and services' brokering techniques that can cope with this novel dynamic execution environment. My PhD work addresses the definition of mechanisms for constructing reliable coordination of data management services through the expression of non-functional properties verified during the execution-time of services' coordination. I am currently working in 3 essential aspects. First, I am defining a model for representing the non-functional properties (i.e., exception handling, atomicity, security) of a services' coordination independently of its application logic. Non-functional properties and their associated recovery actions are specified through the notions of contract and reaction. Second, I am defining a language for expressing the non-functional properties that must be verified by a services' coordination at execution time, as well as the reactions to be executed in case these properties are not verified. Third, I am defining the architecture of a system that will monitor the execution of a services coordination to determine whether a set of expressions of non-functional properties is verified (contract evaluation). If one of the properties is not verified, the system will execute the recovery reactions for ensuring the verification of the properties (reactions execution).