HADAS a team from Grenoble Informatics Laboratory


Funding: FUI-Minalogic, OSEO 2011-2015
Partners: INRIA, LIG, TIMA, STMicroelectronics, Magilem, probayes
Coordinator: STMicroelectronics
Scientific lead : Alexandre Termier

The SoC-Trace project aims to develop a set of methods and tools based on traces of execution produced by multi-core embedded applications. It will allow developers to optimize and debug these applications more efficiently. Such methods and tools should become a building block for the design of embedded software, in response to the growing needs of analysis and debugging required by the industry. The technological barriers consist of a scaling problem (millions of events stored on gigabytes) and a trace understanding problem related to applications whose complexity is increasing. The project addresses the problem of controlling the volume of tracks and of developing new analysis techniques. SocTrace is composed of academic partners with related themes, and several industry partners including STMicroelectronics.